- Fractal Fiber Bundles -

Notes on Fractals and Fiber Bundles

QED is a gauge theory.

In the Hopf fibration, the concentric tori "interpolate" between the round circle and the one which looks like a vertical line. There is a flow which moves all the tori towards the vertical line, and hence in some sense any two of these tori are the same. (What is also true and not so obvious is that any two circles in the Hopf fibration are the same.)

As for fiber bundles, the most general definition of a fiber bundle has a fiber F which could be any space, a group G of symmetries of the fiber, and a base space B. A fiber bundle over B with fiber F and gauge group G, is a space E with a projection pi:E-->B which is locally a product and has gluing maps in G. This definition works perfectly well for F a fractal and since many of the standard fractals are highly symmetric, one should be able to get some interesting results.

Most classification questions tend to be more tied to the group G than the fiber F, so those probably won't be much fun. You would certainly get some weird spaces. (..RS..)

Dear Troy,

Indeed fiber bundles do play a key role in string theory...we imagine that a higher dimensions (that is, dimensional) universe that string theory requires may indeed be a fiber space over a four dimensional spacetime, with the fibers being theextra space dimensions. This is but a small part of a larger story...my book does not go into any of this mathematical detail, but you will see pictures that are locally of the form R^2 x (sphere or torus) as a lower dimensional analogy of the higher dimensional version. And I also have pictures of R^2 x (Calabi-Yau manifolds) where the latter are 6 dimensional spaces required by the theory.

All the best,

Brian Greene

A fibre bundle is a geometric construction which represents a symmetry group of the fibre. Thus the Mobius band is a geometic way of looking at the transformation x --> -x on the fibre which is a real line. This has applications to physics because it allows us to express symmetries in terms of topological and geometric concepts.
The point of a fiberspace M is that it looks LOCALLY like a product; i.e. small neighboorhoods U of points in the base B can be pulled back to UxF in M, where F is the fiber, and the fiber map projects UxF onto U. In the example of a moebius band M , U is an intervall and the fiber is an interval I , and U pulls back to UxI in M . If you assume that the universe is a 3-dim. space then universe-time space could conceivably be a 4-dim. fiberspace: the base space is the universe and the fibers (corresponding to time) could be infinite lines or circles.
Fiber spaces and bundles:

  • Fiber spaces
  • Fiber bundles
  • Transfer
  • Classification
  • Spectral sequences and homology of fiber spaces
  • Sphere bundles and vector space bundles
  • Classifying spaces of groups and ${H}$-spaces
  • Homology of classifying spaces, characteristic classes
  • Homology and homotopy of $BO$ and $BU$; Bott periodicity
  • Stable classes of vector space bundles, $K$-theory {algebraic $K$-theory }
  • Fiberings with singularities
  • Microbundles and block bundles
  • Generalizations of fiber spaces and bundles
  • Equivariant fiber spaces and bundles
  • None of the above but in this section
  • Classification
  • All Math
    The relation between the total space of a bundle, its base space and the fiber is indeed somewhat subtle. (In your Moebius strip example, the total space is the entire Moebius band, the base space is the central circle, and the fiber is a line). The most straightforward case is the one in which the fibers of the bundle are lines, or planes, or more generally vector spaces of any dimension.  Such bundles are called vector bundles. The point is that in these, the fibers are topologically trivial. The topology of the total space thus comes from 2  sources: (a) the topology of the base space,(b) the `twisting' in the bundle.Think of the Mobius band and the cylinder. Both are bundles over a circle, and  both have a 1-dimensional line as fiber. The difference in their topologies  comes from the fact that one is a `twisted' bundle and one is not. There is a  sophisticated mathematical theory designed to understand - and measure - the  precise way that the topology of the total space is determined. It involves  contraptions which go by the name of ``characteristic classes'', and a theorem  known as the Leray-Hirsch Theorem. One reasonable reference for this would be  the book ``Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology'' by R. Bott and L. Tu.Contributions from the twisting in a bundle to the topology of the total space  do indeed play a role in physics. They show up, for example, in quantum field  theories as an explanation for so-called anomolies. But you should ask a  physicist about that...(..SB..)
    There is a very large body of work that all starts from the paper

    Hutchinson, John E.
    Fractals and self-similarity.
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. 30 (1981), no. 5, 713--747.

    In it Hutchinson shows that if A is a collection of affine(?)
    shrinking self maps of the plane (or some Euclidean space?) then the
    images of the actions represented by infinite words in the alphabet
    A converge to a unique limiting set X(A).  This set is of interest.
    It is self similar and often fractal and can be made to be any of
    the commonly known examples.  It is also a minimal set that is
    invariant under the actions of A in that is it the union of its
    images under the actions of A.

    The phrase "can be made to be any of the known common examples" is
    the contribution of Barnsely.  He made the observation that if a set
    is approximately the union of its images under the actions of A,
    then it is approximately the limit X(A).  Thus if you can take a set
    X and approximately cover it by a set A of contractions of itself,
    then X is approximately X(A).  I don't recall the reference for
    this.  It might be:

    Barnsley, M. F.(1-GAIT); Ervin, V.(1-GAIT); Hardin, D.(1-GAIT);
    Lancaster, J.(1-GAIT)
    Solution of an inverse problem for fractals and other sets.
    Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83 (1986), no. 7, 1975--1977.

    It is a very simple observation (as opposed to Hutchinson's
    which is quite deep), but it has had an enormous sequence of
    applications and consequences. 

    There are at least a couple of books to start with.

    Barnsley, Michael(1-GAIT)
    Fractals everywhere.
    Academic Press, Inc., Boston, MA, 1988. xii+396 pp. $39.95. ISBN

    Falconer, Kenneth(4-BRST)
    Fractal geometry.
    Mathematical foundations and applications.
    John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, 1990. xxii+288 pp. $33.95. ISBN

    Falconer, K. J.(4-BRST)
    The geometry of fractal sets.
    Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 85.
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge-New York, 1986. xiv+162
    pp. $32.50; \$16.95 paperbound. ISBN 0-521-25694-1;

    > I am wondering if you could tell me if there is a "natural"
    process of
    > paperfolding for the Koch Curve-Fractal
    > as there is for the Dragon Curve-Fractal?

    This is a really good question that I'd have to admit never occurred to me.
    The paperfolding process produces the pattern of "up" versus "down" folds
    that we see in the dragon. (An up fold is one that points up). If we put 0
    for down and 1 for up, the successive generations goes like
    I put *'s to mark where the middle fold. The second half after the middle
    fold is the same as the first half in reverse order with 1's and 0's
    For the Koch curve, the first generation has fold pattern
    2nd gen.         010*0*010*1*010*0*010
    The pattern is that between each of the previous folds, you stick another
    copy of the 010 pattern.
    You can achieve this by folding paper, but I don't know of any simple way.

    > Also, I am wondering if you could tell me a bit about the
    instances where
    > differential equations can be derived from
    > the fractals involving continuous-time systems.  Are there any
    such systems
    > demostrating the Koch Fractal's
    > underlying algorithm?

    Historically, discrete dynamical systems were studied as an approximation to
    continuous systems specified by differential equations. The most famous
    differential system leading to a fractal is the one that gives the Lorenz
    attractor. It's a nonlinear first-order system for three functions x(t),
    y(t), z(t) of time t.
    The attractor is a strange butterfly-like object that all solutions
    converges as time goes to infinity.
    There's a ton of stuff on the Lorenz attractor on the web, including Java
    Attractors of differential equations tend not to have sharp corners, so I
    doubt the Koch fractal arises as an attractor of one, but I really don't
    >   What are some of the fractals that are associated
    > with continuous-time systems which allow
    > for the expression of them in terms of differential equations?

    > Further, from
    > my understanding a Group can give way
    > to a matrix which yields differential equations. Is it possible to
    > back-track and find a group representation for the symmetry
    > or other property of a fractal?

    Fractals are more often associated to semigroups.  A semigroup allows
    multiplication of any two elements, but not inversion.
    The semigroup for a fractal consists of the transformations that map the
    whole fractal onto its parts that look the same.
    For the Koch fractal the semigroup is generated by
    four transformations
    f1(x,y) = ( x/3,  y/3) f2(x,y) = ( (sqrt(3)*x-y+2)/6 ,
    (x+sqrt(3)*y)/6 ) f3(x,y) = ( (sqrt(3)*x+y+3)/6 , (x-sqrt(3)*y+sqrt(3))/6 )
    f4(x,y) = ( (x+2)/3, y/3 )
    Each of these gives one of the four parts of the Koch curve.
    That's why the Koch curve is an attractor of an Iterated Function System
    which I talk about later in my web book.
    A lot of the properties of fractals are studied in terms of the IFS.

    I don't know what you mean by the algebraic group representation of the Koch fractal. The shape is generated by similarity transformations so each of these can be expressed as a matrix and a column vector (for the translation). But by a group representation I understand a function from an abstract group to a matrix group. I don't see how to accomplish this for the Koch curve, because I don't see a group structure on the Koch curve. Could you give me a little more detail about your question? In particular, you say you know the group is compact. What group do you know is compact?
    The boundary of the Koch fractal is not a continuously differentiable image of an interval since this boundary does not have length. In fact no portion of the boundary has length.
    Applications of the Koch Fractal:
    Good question. One obvious use is as a means of generating pure fractals for evaluating fractal dimension and image analysis algorithms. There are many examples in the literature of using the Koch curves for this purpose. I think there may be a deeper answer. You could have asked the same thing about a sine wave before Fourier analysis was developed. My recent IEEE paper developed a basis of fractals for decomposing a signal into fractal components. This was done using fractal functions, but there is no reason why you couldn't do exactly the same thing using Koch curves. I believe that scale space decomposition may prove to be an important application.
    On the Koch: it can be used for data massaging (interpolation of data points) - for this see the book: The Science of Fractal Images
    it can be used for one obvious use is as a means of generating pure fractals for evaluating fractal dimension and image analysis algorithms. There are many examples in the literature of using the Koch curves for this purpose.
    possibly for resolving a signal into koch fractal dimensional components
    No connected portion of the boundary (which is more than one point) has length. Just being 'indenumerably infinite' doesn't mean it has no length. A circle could be described in the same way. The boundary of the Koch fractal simply turns out to have no length.
    The Koch curve, the limiting shape after the construction process has been carried out infinitely many times, is nowhere differentiable. Helge von Koch's goal in defining this curve was to find a continuous curve that is nowhere differentaible. In a sense, his construction is a natural generalization of the function x -> |x|, continuous everywhere but not differentaible at x = 0. Von Koch found an elegant way to put little absolute value functions arbirtarily close to every point of the curve, so there can be no derivative anywhere.
    As for its uses in mathematics, mostly the Koch curve is an example of a simple fractal construction. The curve itself is thoroughly understood so no new mathematical results about it are likely to occur. However, it is used as the boundary for the wave equation ("fractal drums") mathematically by Michel Lapidus, and in physical experiments by Bernard Sapoval.
    I'm unaware of any connection between the Koch curve and groups, except for the obvious symmetry group of the Koch snowflake. To which duality theorem were you referring? There are many of them.
    this continuous function can be obtained: it is simply the uniform limit of the sequence of continuous functions parametrizing the polygonal curves approximating the Koch snowflake curve. This does not give you an 'explicit formula'--and, in fact, no such elementary formula exists. But it does provide you with a way of approximating as closely as you wish a rather complicated geometric object by a much simpler one.

    (A similar statement holds for many of the classical fractal curves, for instance, the 'devil's staircase' or Cantor-Lebesgue curve.)

    >So I am concerned with the fiber. In the Moebius strip it is a line, in the 3-sphere it is a 1-sphere; and I guess with a torus it is a 2-sphere or a circle. The fiber, F, is a group, right?

    No, it is not necessary that the fiber is a group. In general the fiber is a topological space (so that you know what a continuous function is). In geometry the fiber is a manifold, so that you know what a differentiable function is.

    > In each of the examples above the Fibers have different geometries. Lines, 1-spheres, etc. I have seen one with that curved triangle. So I'll try again: What effect does the fiber geometry have on the fiber bundle? And must they be differentiable?

    Well, one studies fiber bundles in different settings (categories, to be technical). The most general setting is where the fiber, the total space and the base are topological spaces and the projection is just a continuous function. However, many of the examples are smooth: all the spaces are manifolds and the projection is smooth. You can even go further and look at the case where the spaces (fiber, total and base) are algebraic varieties and the projection is algebraic.

    > If the fibers are groups, what is the signifance of the symmetry > and other aspects of the group?

    In case the fiber is a group and some other condition is satisfied you get what is called a Principal Fiber Bundle. Then you get for every representation of the group an Associated Vector Bundle. This is the situation in gauge theory: the gauge field lives on the principal fiber bundle and the matter fields are related to the associated bundles.

    What do you mean: "I have a torus..... its fibers"; to talk about fibers etc you need a total space T a base space B and a projection p:T\to B. So what is your torus supposed to be?

    A triangle is not in an obvious way a group and I have never seen it used as the fiber in a fiber bundle. Why would you want to use a triangle? A triangle is not a smooth manifold, so it will be difficult to talk about differentiable functions.

    Email : troy@trinicom.com